6 Best Strategies to Increase Ecommerce Sales in 2024

6 Best Strategies to Increase Ecommerce Sales in 2024

Ecommerce is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. According to Statistics,  global ecommerce sales are expected to reach $6.4 trillion by 2024.


However, with so many ecommerce businesses competing for the same customers, it can be challenging to stand out and increase sales. Ecommerce stores need to constantly innovate and optimize their strategies to attract, engage, and convert their target audience.


In this blog, we will share 6 proven strategies that can help you increase your sales in 2024. These strategies are based on the latest trends, best practices, and customer preferences in the industry to boost your performance.


What are the strategies to increase ecommerce sales?

1. Optimize your online shop for mobile devices

As per a survey conducted by Statista, mobile ecommerce sales are projected to account for 72.9% of total ecommerce sales by 2024, up from 58.9% in 2020. This means that more and more customers are using their smartphones and tablets to shop online, and they expect a seamless and convenient mobile shopping experience.


This demands ecommerce stores to be optimized for mobile devices. To optimize your website for mobile devices, you need to keep these best practices in mind:


Ensure that your online shop is responsive, fast, and easy to navigate.

Ensure that your online shop is compatible with different browsers, screen sizes, and operating systems.

2. Use social media to engage and convert your audience

Social media platforms is one of the most popular ways for ecommerce businesses. It allows you to reach, interact, and influence the behaviour of your potential or existing customer base and build better relationships with them and boost your sales.


According to Hootsuite, there are 4.62 billion social media users worldwide as of 2022, which is 58% of the global population. And the good news is, 71% of social media users are more likely to buy from brands that they follow and trust on social media.


To leverage social media marketing, here are a few things you should keep in mind:


Create and share valuable content that showcases your brand personality, values, and products.

Use social media features and tools that can help you drive traffic and sales to your website.

Engage with your customers and address their questions without keeping them waiting for days.


3. Implement a customer loyalty program

A customer loyalty program is a marketing strategy that rewards your customers for their repeated purchases and actions, such as referrals, reviews, and customer feedback. It can help you increase your brand awareness, customer satisfaction, retention, and advocacy.


According to Annex Cloud, loyal customers spend 67% more than new customers, and they are 5 times more likely to repurchase, 5 times more likely to forgive, 4 times more likely to refer, and 7 times more likely to try a new offering. Moreover, increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits by 25% to 95%.


To implement a customer loyalty program, you need to design one that suits your business goals, your customer preferences, and your industry standards. You also need to promote it to your customers and prospects and encourage them to join and participate.


4.Optimize your product pages for SEO and conversion

Your product pages are the most important pages on your online store, as they are the pages where your customers decide whether to buy your products or not. Therefore, you need to optimize your product pages to provide better user experience, better SEO and conversion. It's important that they rank higher on search engines to get infront of your potential customers and can persuade your customers to take action.


To optimize your product pages for SEO and conversion, you need to follow some best practices, such as:


Use descriptive and keyword-rich product titles and URLs that match the search intent and query of your customers

Use high-quality and relevant product images and videos that showcase your products from different angles and perspectives

Use clear and compelling product descriptions that highlight the features, benefits, and value proposition of your products


5. Provide free shipping and easy returns

By providing free shipping and easy returns, you can reduce your cart abandonment rate, increase your customer satisfaction, and boost your customer loyalty.


According to a study by Baymard Institute, 50% of online shoppers abandon their carts because of extra costs such as shipping, taxes, and fees, and 74% of online shoppers are more likely to buy from a retailer that offers free shipping.


To provide free shipping and easy returns, you need to offer your customers a clear and transparent shipping and return policy that outlines the terms and conditions, the costs and fees, the delivery time and methods, and the refund and exchange process. You also need to display your shipping and return policy prominently on your website, especially on your product pages and checkout pages.

6. Use AI chat assistants

Using AI chatbots is one of the most effective and efficient ways to communicate and interact with your customers on your website.


According to a report by Invesp, 63% of online shoppers are more likely to return to a website that offers live chat, and 77% of online shoppers prefer to chat with a real person before making a purchase.


Integrate a live chatbot that can handle simple and common queries and requests from your customers, such as product details, shipping status, order confirmation, etc. It will improve your customer service, satisfaction, and loyalty.



Sales is the lifeblood of any business, especially in a competitive industry like ecommerce, where constant innovation is paramount. As the landscape evolves, embracing these 6 strategic approaches will not only strengthen your online presence but also position you for success in reaching your sales objectives in 2024 and beyond. Keep adapting, keep innovating, and watch your online sales thrive.